Featuring renowned magician and New York Times crossword constructor David Kwong, The Enigmatist at The High Line Hotel invites participants to step into the mysterious, historical world of the Riverbank Estate, the “cradle of cryptology” reimagined at The High Line Hotel’s gothic Hoffman Hall. Guests will experience mind-bending illusions while solving entertaining riddles and puzzles created by David Kwong exclusively for this show.

What’s Riverbank? It was a real-life bizarre and fantastical estate, established in 1908 by eccentric multi-millionaire George Fabyan, where he and cohorts William and Elisebeth Friedman pioneered the science of cryptology.  This team went on to lead the American military’s code-breaking efforts in World War I and II and eventually form the foundation for the NSA.

David Kwong

2018 New York, High Line Hotel
2020 Los Angeles, Geffen Playhouse